It’s a 1979 coachman trailer camper! I’ve gone camping in it since I was an itty bitty Kayt and I adore it bunches and bunches. My mum and dad gave me the title to it so it’s all mine… and now I can spiffy it up and pimp it out.
We haven’t gone camping in the camper for a few years now. It’s been folded up and packed away behind our garage, just sitting and waiting.
Today marks my second day off from work and I was about up to you-know-where with the nothing-to-do thing. I mentioned my raging boredom phase to my mum and before I knew what was happening she pulled out the truck and started messing with the camper and dragged me into it. What a pain. I was all clean and pretty and I smelled nice and she was making me dig out bug infested logs and pull at rose bushes to free the camper. But, as it always is with the camper, I got sucked in and took over. I love unpacking and getting all set up. I'm like a freak. The inside smells faintly of mildew and strongly of camp fire smoke. It’s wonderful!
Here is my love in it’s natural environment of mud and rose thorns. There are lots of spiders back there.
The moving process. Here is where I supervise and do lots of authoritative pointing.
Here it is after we had it moved into the garage. It's pseudo-parking spot while it airs out and gets all pimp-ified.
This is my new BESTEST FRIEND EVER! The pressure washer! It’s awesome. I want to clean everything with it!
I’m so proud. See the clean side on the bottom and the dirty on the top? I enjoyed washing a little too much.
And this is my face after being sprayed by the pressure washer. Despite what the smile might lead you on to thinking… it stung like a bitch. And messed up my hair. And I don't have an excuse for the rest.
The clean camper! Notice the key chain (Spark?)?
Random flowers in our garden. You can ignore this picture... it has nothing to do with the rest.
All put together! Ain’t she a beaut!?! I heart her so much. She just needs some sexy patches and some fuzzy dice.
And lastly, a crappy picture of the insides to let you all appreciate the very 70’s feel.