How about getting in a car accident on your way to a date?
Last year, six days after our wedding day, our car was hit from behind and sandwiched between two cars. Ouch. This year, four days after our one year wedding anniversary, we were hit from behind, spun through traffic on our city’s major highway, to end in the fast lane pointed at on-coming traffic. To demonstrate, I have an illustration:
Keep your eye on the gold car. That’s us.

Idiots in front of us stopped because they were trying to figure out if they needed to get off at the exit or not. So they STOPPED.... COMPLETLY.

We move to the left to pass them.

Idiot girl doesn't realize we're all stopped and rams right into us at about 60 miles an hour.

Hubby and I are all in one piece. The damage to the car sure seems to be less than it was with the accident last year. It was nice to be hit from a little hybrid this time rather than a Ford F150. It was evil-y satisfying to see someone else’s car get more banged up than ours. It was nice to go out for dinner afterwards and laugh and smile about how happy we ware to be alive. It was not nice standing in the rain, though. Or screaming while spinning past cars. Or sitting in the fast lane looking at on-coming traffic. Or calling insurance companies. Ew.