Friday, May 29, 2009

Unexpected joys of packing

Moving is generally only fun for about a week. After that, trying to find out how to pack box fans, table leaves, potting soil and winter coats gets old. But, every once in awhile, you stumble across some oddities that make you smile. Hello world, remember this one?




Thank you, college. I'm glad I now know how to create a wooden dress. If I'm ever stranded in the middle of woods with a drill and a few spools of fishing line, I know I'll be okay. There might even be more fringe!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Goodbye Toshi

Two days ago my dear Toshi died.


He was about four and a half. He died shortly after his belligerent nephew, Hiro. He survived three different homes, an engagement, a marriage, and just missed the two year anniversary. He was a shy, calm, almost indifferent character.