I think the depressing bit of the season is starting to hit everyone. I’ve been noticing more and more that nerves are frayed, tempers and running on high, and there have been more than a few weepy tears.
I need some new friends. New friends as in ones I can go to the movies with and eat chocolaty food with and tell stupid stories to and hug. Maybe not new friends, but just some. My bestest and closest friend, Sam, who was like a sister to me for more than ten years, well, we split up for some reason. Neither of us are quite sure why. We just stopped talking one day. Its somewhat funny looking back at it now. We used to talk at least a dozen times a day on the phone. Her father nicknamed me “breather” because we didn’t always talk when we were on the phone, just sit there and watch TV at our respective homes with the phone to our ears. We spent our weekends at each others home, caught tad poles together, she ran me over a few times with her four wheeler, I broke her finger during a football game. My family and I threw her birthday parties every year, her family took me to Cedar Point every few months. She wasn’t the best friend in the world, yeah, I know you’re reading this, but I’m right, but we were always with each other. Then, in tenth grade, we split, just went our separate ways.
That year I met my next best friend, God, the girl I hated, loathed, the year before. She had similar feelings for me. But we just clicked. The first time I went to her house her family was having a funeral in their back yard for one of her many cats. I hugged her as she cried. Then we jumped from the roof of her house, onto her trampoline, and into her pool that night during a lighting storm. The first time she came to my home we scooped up fluffs of hair my golden retriever dogs had shed, and chased each other around the neighborhood with the handfuls of disgusting stuff then sat in the middle of the street with our roller blades on and drank our melted ice cream. Later that day she fell while we were roller bading and broke her wrist. The rest of our evening was spent in the emergency room. I have no idea why she ever came back. After two years of friendship, she joined the Navy, we talk about once a month, but since neither of us are clingy, it just works.
When I started college I figured it would be a new chance to meet people. I tried, not all that hard I admit, but I did try. First year I met a little red head girl and a dark hair boy. The girl was always busy, we had to plan weeks ahead just to go do anything, and though she was sweet, she was pretty shy and really religious. The freaky kind of religious where you couldn’t debate it, insult it, joke about it, or really all in all talk about anything immoral. So, not so fun.
The guy-- cute, sweet, talkative, a bit shy but the opposite of the girl. He wanted to go out every night, wanted to talk for hours, and would be offended if I didn’t. Euh, to clingy.
I suppose it’s my fault. I should prance about and be all sociable, but I wish I could just skip all that and simply snap my fingers have a man to hold me while I sleep.
Damn my woman-ness and these horrid hormones!
Wow, I really don't know how to play this game, but it looks so purdy.
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