How do people with lives blog? I’m genuinely interested in knowing. I’ve only got school and yet I’m finding it near impossible. But then again, I’m quite lazy.
Quills… a movie?
It’s a porno with three cups of dirty, a spoonful of teary angst, a pinch of medieval torture, a healthy dash of Joaquin and the dark rider, some crazy people thrown in to taste, and way too much male frontal nudity… some pale, mushy nudity. Did I mention the creepy stories yet?
All in all I enjoyed it. I watched it in the dark in my room as I hid under the covers occasionally having to mute it (my poor virgin ears burned though that movie) and cover my eyes. Of course I’m watching it again right now. It’s better the second time around.
I redesigned my website again. Not really, just a little bit. I changed the graphic, but that’s not much, the big thing that’s making me happy is that the ad’s are gone.
And I didn‘t pay.
Double yippie!
I used some anchor-target-bookmark thing code…thing. I credit Spark. He knew what it was called and links and all that good stuff.
I went with my brother to get his ear pierced the other day. Wow, it takes a lot of lying to get a fourteen year old boy’s ear pierced.
“Yeah, I‘m him mom.” -didn‘t work. To the next store we went.
“He’s 18.”
“Let’s see his I.D.”
“Uh… well… he’s got a fake I.D. A pyro license. Heh.”- didn’t work. Next.
“My parents abandoned us years ago, leaving only this half of a locket for when they return, *sniffle* I’ve been taking care of him since he was knee high to a grasshopper... So…can I sign for him?” -didn’t work. Okay, there are more stores.
“Yeah, I’m his legal guardian, can I sign?” Ding, ding, ding! That worked. Piercing Pagoda believed us. And to the Fireflyish part of our trip, we stopped in Sam Goody before going home and they had two Firefly DVD box sets still left unsold. So I pulled out the receipt from piercing Pagoda and wrote on the back of it,
“Buy this DVD.
It Rocks.
Keep flyin’ Browncoats. ”
Then I folded it in half so it would stand upright, and put it on the shelf. I plan on doing this at any stores that have unsold FF DVDs.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
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