My best friend Stacey came up from Virginia yesterday and surprised me by taking me to the Pfizer Fantasia Equine Affaire downtown. That is arguably the coolest damn show on earth. I wasn’t expecting much, just some white Lipizzan stallions hopping around and some local farmers clapping. Nope. The coliseum was packed tight, all the tickets sold weeks before hand and, you know what? Cowboys are fun.
While we waiting for the show to start music was playing to keep the crowd entertained. Apparently cowboys and cowgirls can’t just be entertained, they must party. People were standing and dancing on their chairs, moving out into the aisles and shaking their groove things, and the wave. Oh dear, the wave. I must be out of the loop because I remember the wave as four people standing up and screaming, then everyone else turning to stare at them like they’re freaks. Not with cowboys, because cowboys are fun. The wave started, round and round and round the coliseum, screaming, hooting, whistles, waves, men with canes waved them high in the air, women with babies held above their heads, and I bet I was up and down at least twenty times. All very bizarre.
Then the show started with the national anthem. As well as being fun, cowboys are excessively patriotic. Every hat in the house was pressed against a chest, hands were covering hearts, and heads were bowed…except Stacey and I. We laughed and got lots of dirty looks.
After the very solemn national anthem there was a little salute to the armed forced. Wow. The screams and cheers. My throat was sore and my hands stung already. Then came a horse dressed like a lion for Lion King, saddle horse rhythm riders, Icelandic horse congress, Ghost rider Bridleless Freestyle, blah, blah, tons more fun and laughs and me squealing, but the best was The Riding Instructor. Tommie Turvey with his paint horse Pokerjoe. That man is the most talented guy on earth. And the funniest. And I’m gonna marry him. First I have to meet him, then he’ll teach me how to ride, then I’ll marry him. I’ve got it all planned out.
In the coliseum, the lady sitting on my right was taping the whole event and, while I didn’t think of it during the show, I think I ruined the sound part of her tape. They won’t be hearing the music but instead they’ll hear me going, “Wow. Oh my god! Wow. Whoa. Wow. Whoooo! Wow. Yay!”
After the show we drove around Columbus looking for a nasty place to eat and finally found one we deemed suitable, next to Bob’s Bar, and they served pancakes. Yum.
And another happy thing, it’s such an amazing day out today. It snowed two days ago but this afternoon I was walking around barefoot washing my car and laying in the garden. The crocus’ are blooming.
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