Wednesday, September 22, 2004

the hallucinations thing

Hola grand new world, it’s the first day of school! Well, not so new, and only perhaps a little grand. It’s my third year at the same campus so I kind of know my way around. My 1st photography class started today at 9:30 (keep in mind it’s a 30 minute drive away from home), and I woke up at 9:15.


I made it in just in time to see the professor, (who looks younger than me but speaks louder), and pick up my syllabus. Then, there was some ever exciting sitting I experienced in my car… then some sweating… then some hallucinations. Then onward to my next class ( a math class, good god, and 50 minutes away), only to experience some more sitting, sweating, but with fewer hallucinations.

Oh! And in the middle of that I happened to get a spur of the moment hair cut! Also, nothing new and/or exciting, but hey, it was done.

And now I find myself sitting, ever pitifully, in the campus computer lab, updating my lj and checking my e-mail compulsively every 3 ½ minutes.

Today is kind of a let down.

But, there are things that are going to be happening… exciting things… stressful things… things involving grandparents, weddings, and computer geeks dressed up in 17th war garb. To take away some of the fun sounding-ness, it’s really that my grandparents are coming into Ohio on Friday to stay with us for a few days, then we’re going to this historical war re-enactment, then in October Geoff and I are going to hop on a plane and go Philly to his cousins wedding, then… well, that’s the end of my list so far. And now I think I should probably try to find my math class, and go sit. Then maybe sweat. Then, you know, the hallucinations thing, just to stick with tradition.

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