Monday, December 20, 2004

la la la

I’m in a better mood now…and all it took was a little personal serenade from Tony Orlando (“knock three times on the ceiling if you want me…”)and his band. He’s been in town all weekend for his “Santa and Me” show and they all stayed at our hotel. They were great fun. ‘Santa’, Michel Jackson, Toni Wine ( to know her think Elvis, Springsteen and the meow mix song), and all the other guys were great fun; Mr. Thompson, ‘Santa’, ho ho ho, being my favorite. As they we leaving yesterday ‘Santa’ told me to wait and not go anywhere. Well, okay. I stayed where I was, standing being the counter. Then the band came out, stood around the counter, hummed for a moment, then broke out singing "broken lady"(the song 'Santa and I had been talking about earlier that day). I was so silly and smiley. That needs to happen more often.

p.s. don’t google for “Michael Jackson Tony Orlando”, you’ll just get a bunch of gay porn. Unless you want that... but it's not even good gay porn. All pixely.

Also, it was -2 degrees Fahrenheit this morning when I had to go out in my knee-length skirt and slippers to clean off my car before work. I have yet to regain the feeling in my legs.

P.s. x 2 also, I've been put in charge of teaching the new opperation system at the Hotel and get paid for working at home. I just feel like I need to tell you that.

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