Friday, January 14, 2005


You are sleep deprived and most likely named Kayt if:

You find yourself trying to wash off the bags under your eyes as if they’re yesterdays makeup.

You eat cold ravioli from the can (with the pop top, not the kind that requires a can opener) while bathing in the morning to save time so you can ultimately sleep in.

When you add together the hours of sleep you’ve gotten in the last four days, it is equal to or less than the amount of sleep you should be getting in one night.

-Next topic-

Geoff downloaded the first episode of Carnivale and we kinda skimmed through it… so far neither of us is optimistic. I was expecting more dark eeeep, eck, squirm, gah and oh Christ, and I think Geoff was looking for something a little deeper, not so straight forward. Any feedback on what we’re not seeing? Or what’s gonna happen in the next few episodes?

-Next topic-

I had my very own Kaylee-esque experience tonight. I laughed and joked and kissed and tumbled around with my boyfriend then ate a whole little bundle of strawberries with sugar. It was quite pleasant.

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