Saturday, March 12, 2005

To recap: yesterday’s first driving incident involved me driving a sleeping boyfriend forty minutes out the of the way in a blizzard. Okay, on to the second incident…

After that little long drive, when I was getting ready to leave Geoff’s apartment to head home, one of my contacts popped out. And we couldn’t find it. So I was there with fine eyesight in my left eye, and blindness in my right. And to demonstrate just how bad this is, I’ve created a little visual to explain.

My eyesight with contacts:
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My eyesight without contacts:
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My eyesight yesterday with only one contact in my left eye:
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As you can see, this isn’t good. And I had to drive an hour home back through the previously discussed blizzard. Are you allowed to drive if you’re legally blind in one eye? Because I didn’t have much depth perception and found it pretty damn difficult.

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