1. Front Desk/Sales Agent
2. Secretary
3. Web Designer *snort*
4. Dance Teacher
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
2. Spirited Away
3. Bride and Prejudice
4. Harold and Kumar go to White Castle
Four Television Shows You Love
1. Firefly
2. Angel
3. Wonderfalls
4. Inuyusha
Four Places You Have Lived
1. Mt. Gilead, Ohio
2. Dallas, Texas
3. Santa Fe, New Mexico
4. Austin, Texas
Four Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Singapore
2. Malaysia
3. New Mexico
4. Canada
Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Sara Etc
2. The Carnage
3. Apartment Therapy
4. Gospels of Frosting
Four Places You’d Rather Be Right Now
1. Singapore.
2. Snuggling with Boyfriend.
3. On a boat on a lake filled with turtles.
4. Hiking in the woods.
Four Bloggers You are Tagging
… I don’t know anyone else really.
And this is a little screen cap from my first ever video. I wanna start making some. Any tips? Hints? Good movie making programs?
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