Thursday, February 9, 2006


Okay, I have to share something that’s pissing me off tonight-- what the hell is going on with all these damn historically/culturally accurate representations of momentous romantic badabums? Okay, you love her, she loves you, there was angst, now you hold hands, the sun sparkles, you breath deeply, lean in and then… you just bump foreheads? No! You’re supposed to kiss! Damn it! I don’t care if it wasn’t appropriate to kiss before marriage during the whoknowswhen-century, I want to see the kiss! I remember movies, oh so long ago, cared about the viewers and gave them the kiss no matter what historical sense it made. Okay, so it’s a movie about a romance in India, I can understand that it would perhaps not be appropriate in that culture to kiss before marriage, but it’s appropriate to me and I want to see the kiss. There is no climax-y love moment without it. Damn.

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