1- I have always thought that slash was sexier than het.
2- I have some serious love for Asia and I don’t think it’s healthy because I’ve only been in Asia for one month and I don’t really know anything about anything but I’m still obsessed with anything Asian-- including my boyfriend and my fishies Hiro and Toshi.
3- My favorite smell is the smell of onions and butter simmering on the stove. Yum.
4- I’m doubled jointed in my thumb-- I can bend it all the way backwards till it rests flush against my arm. But I can only do it on my left hand.
5- I have two little round scars on the top of my right foot from when my doctor used a hellish tool to punch two holes of skin out of my foot for a test. It was horrible, I was six and they found out that nothing was wrong with me.
6- Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who is all okay with two dudes hooking up but still thought Brokeback Mountain was a piece of crap.
And here are some more picture from the beloved new camera.
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