Wednesday, April 26, 2006


From my very sweet and very sexy Sarah—I’m supposed to say six things about myself and then tag six other people, but the only one Sarah didn’t tag that I know is Aya.

1- I have always thought that slash was sexier than het.

2- I have some serious love for Asia and I don’t think it’s healthy because I’ve only been in Asia for one month and I don’t really know anything about anything but I’m still obsessed with anything Asian-- including my boyfriend and my fishies Hiro and Toshi.

3- My favorite smell is the smell of onions and butter simmering on the stove. Yum.

4- I’m doubled jointed in my thumb-- I can bend it all the way backwards till it rests flush against my arm. But I can only do it on my left hand.

5- I have two little round scars on the top of my right foot from when my doctor used a hellish tool to punch two holes of skin out of my foot for a test. It was horrible, I was six and they found out that nothing was wrong with me.

6- Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who is all okay with two dudes hooking up but still thought Brokeback Mountain was a piece of crap.

And here are some more picture from the beloved new camera.

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