I am sick. See below bowl of chicken soup as proof. Yuck. Sick, stuffy, sore, scratchy, and I sound like an old man when I talk.

And since I have a job that relies heavily on my sweet voice and smiley manner, I cannot go to work today. I can however, knit and paint. I don't know how I'll manage.

This is the 2year scarf. It still has a ways to go. It'll will eventually be the 4year scarf. But it will be beautiful and gray, my favorite winter color, with some soft dark blue around the edges. Yummy

And this is my most recent painting. "Most recent" as in it's still wet and sitting in the middle of my living room floor. And not yet done. I want to scrub it all over with sandpaper and then lacquer it, but unfortunately, I don't have sandpaper or lacquer nor do I have the energy to go out and get any. We are still lacking street lights around town and a dozen four ways stops would just drain the last of my life away.
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