Friday, February 4, 2005

Everyone should look like an idiot at least once a day

I think I’ve about hit my due date on a mental spring cleaning. My brain needs rinsed and my innards taken out and polished.

I really need some something. I‘m not sure how to explain it. I‘ve been looking to get back into fencing-- you know, beating someone violently with a blade is always a good form of release, but the only place nearby is my old club and I don’t want to go back there.

Skydiving would be my next choice… actually my first choice… ah, to stand at the open door of a plane 15,000 feet up in the air. You can just stand there and look down. Then you let go of the handle at the top of the door and nothing is holding you back. I know it sounds cliché, but you do feel so free. It’s like all of those insane thoughts you have, “what would it be like if I just did this” you get to do. You stand inside a safe plane and get to make the decision to lean forward and just fall. But, I can’t do that until it gets a little warmer, then when it gets warm there’s still the little matter of a couple of hundred dollars each time I go. Boo.

So, since I have to think more realistically, I’ve decided to go swimming a couple nights a week at the Holiday Inn. I get out of school at about 10pm and afterwards I’ll just pop in at work for an hour or two and log some relaxing Kayt and water time. I think it’ll be nice and hopefully at that time I’ll have the pool all to myself.

Well, the point to all of the above was really to get you here. Now I’ve explained that I want to go swimming and why, and now I can tell you about Target. (I hope you didn‘t get your hopes up because it isn’t‘ much) ….I went to Target the other day. I needed a new swimsuit. Preferably a nice brown bikini that’ll make my breasts happy and hold my bottom in. Well, what I found was a couple of isles of white itty bikinis that wouldn’t hold a bottom and had cherries or ugly black, green and pink stripes. But I didn’t have anything else too do so I wandered around looking and poking at them until I’d seen all of them six times. So I gave up and started wandering the rest of the store. Then I left and walked around Columbus for a little bit while I waited for Geoff to get out of class. Finally I went back to his apartment, took of my coat, then my scarf… and on my scarf, right above my belly, was one of those big “feminine strip” papers from the inside of bikini bottoms. I had gotten stuck to my scarf while I was walking through those little bathing suit isles. And I wore it all around Columbus. I wish that little experience on everyone someday.

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