Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm engaged!

With the whole dressed up deal, the nice dinner out, the surprise proposal, and the SWEET ring. Wow... Squee!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

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About 20 minutes ago, in an effort to go down stairs (see above) to take some pictures my mom needed, I fell down the stairs.

I stayed there for a few minutes trying to breathe and rubbing my (still) numb arm. Then I looked up and took a picture of my damn curious cat.

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Only really interested in the noise I made and not the fact that I was crumpled at the bottom of the stairs possibly in need of medical attention. But at least she cared, my mom never came out of the kitchen.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I was just kissed three times by an Italian man. It was very awkward and not at all like I expected-- not that I was expecting to be kissed by a strange man at work-- but it was more lips and less cheek to cheek pressing than I always imagined.

P.s. speaking of kisses-- my mom just walked in while I was at work, handed me a candy bar, and then kissed me all big on the lips in front of a guest I was checking in.

It's an odd day.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Geoffrey dyed my hair this afternoon. It’s red!

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It’s darker than I wanted. I like the red, but I wish it was more blonde-ish-y golden. Can I re-dye it real soon? Like… tomorrow? Will it get lighter? Any hair dying gals out there in the know?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I’m going to start investing. Anyone have any good advice other than a 401k, ‘cause that’s as far as I can go myself.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Today, at work, I spent hours...

catching up on my correspondence.

reading about succulents and ways to make my African violet bloom.

researching 3 foot long pink worms that smell like lilacs.

printing off sudoku puzzles and creating my own sudoku book ranging from easy puzzles to fucking-hell-go-eat-pudding puzzles.

After work I expected some serious yay-like family time, only to discover that the family was off having a life and I was left bored. as. dirt.

I miss my boyfriend.

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Monday, September 4, 2006

I think I might have a slightly unhealthy obsession.

Whenever I get upset I buy a new plant. I can’t help it. I bought one when Geoff left for Singapore, and I just bought two more yesterday after I got hollered at by a psycho while I was at work. A psycho who was severely in need of drug induced coma-like help.

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The pink and green leaves of my first little succulent.

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The orange and pink flowers from my other new succulent.

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And a tiny snail I found while I was outside potting these things. It was as big around as the “o” in “QUARTER DOLLAR” that’s stamped on the back of a quarter.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Today, a Chinese man came up to me at work and said, "you very beautiful".

I said "thank you" and giggled and we grinned at each other. When I asked him about his day he put his hands up and shook his head. "No english. No english. You very beautiful".

I gave him my understanding nod then a thank you nod and then a goodbye nod. He did the same. There is so much you can say by bobbing your head and smiling. It was very sweet.

I'd like to learn a nice and simple little line in a couple of other languages. Nothing that will get me beaten up or killed, though. That would be bad.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Part two

I bought myself a new plant today. It’s another little succulent. I saw it while I was at Walmart and couldn’t help but pick it up. I found it in the “distressed plants” isle. “Distressed plants” in Walmart’s world mean “plants we’ve decided not to water anymore”. In an effort to save this little baby, I’m practically drowning it in love.

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Our extraordinarily short vacation to Put-in-bay:

Our first night around the hotel.
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Enjoying the hotel pool.
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6 AM the next morning. I have no fucking idea why we tried to get up so early.
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Once we were up and awake.
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Our kickass petrol powered Betty Bop. It went all of about 15 miles an hour.
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A quiet little spot we found.
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Lunch at our spot.
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Then sleep (after sleep came sunburns, but I don’t have very good pictures of our lobster-ness).
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Glamour beach shots.
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Playing around in gifts shops.
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Perry’s monument spike thingy.
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The end of the day.
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And the next morning on my way back to work.
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Thursday, August 24, 2006

This morning I took Geoff to the airport. He left for Singapore and won’t be back for a whole month.

I cried.

It’ll be good though. He’ll be able to get his knee fixed up, he’ll get a chance to be at his best friends wedding, and he’ll get time with his family. But in the mean time, I’m alone. And it just so happens to be a year to the day when we left together for Singapore and Malaysia.

In the sprit of the holiday-- some pictures.

Roti and 100 plus at 4am.
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Iced Milo.
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And I miss this guy.
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I don't miss this sunburn.
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And I don't miss the debilitating fear of diving.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

I’m going through a period of DVD separation anxiety.

A certain relation of mine, Silas (think the monk in the Da Vinci Code—if for some unimaginable reason you saw that crap movie), has stolen all of my DVD’s except for some mangled copy of Troy. This has gone on for almost a week and a half and I cannot live on TV alone any longer! …because I threw away Troy as soon as I realized I had it.


If this goes on any longer I might have to start reading a book.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Free images?

Does anyone know of where I can get some simple stock images to use in an advertisement? I know I can't use just anything I happen across because people own the images they create, etc, blah, blah, blah, but I need some drawings... or something.

I have to make an advertisement about my hotel to put in the local theater's handout. Our old advertisement was pretty simple with a little line drawing of theater masks and swirly lines that said-- "Supporting the Arts in Our Community". It was fine and all, but it needs an update.

Somebody hook a sister up with some free clip art!

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

So… the tooth pulling-surgery-from-hell is over. And it has been documented.

Enjoy my pain.

I wrote this on my hand before I went in.

“Good Luck! (Please be careful with me. I like me). Thanks!”
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I haven’t checked the rest of my body yet to see if anyone wrote me a response.

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Then, during my codeine induced nauseated yucky-ness, I spied a stranger peeing in the bushes behind the apartment.

And I took a picture.

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And here I am now-- three days later with no feeling in my bottom lip, throby everything and poofy cheeks.

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I’m going to go gum some applesauce, now.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Approximately two and a half hours till I’m put to sleep and someone starts carving at my face like I’m a turkey dinner and they’re trying to get at the wishbone… except I don’t think my wisdom teeth are going to bring anyone luck.


Friday, July 7, 2006

Fun meme from Sarah, ‘cause, I can’t come up with anything original.

Search Wikipedia for your birth day and month, but not year.
1. List 3 events, 2 births, 1 death and a holiday, if there is one.
2. Encourage others to play.

June 4th – a lot of bad stuff happened and a lot of religious stuff. Plus, yay Tonga!

1039 - Henry III becomes the Holy Roman Emperor.

(Here’s a happy one) 1939 - “The SS St. Louis, a ship carrying 963 Jewish refugees, is denied permission to land in Florida, United States, after already having been turned away from Cuba. Forced to return to Europe, most of its passengers later died in Nazi concentration camps.”

1998 - Terry Nichols is sentenced to life in prison for his role in the Oklahoma City bombing.

470 BC - Socrates
1738 - King George III of Great Britain.

1039 - Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor.

Tonga’s National Day. Yay Tonga!

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Last night I worked a shift until 11pm and then today I started again at 7am. Between those two shifts I made thirteen US dollars and 20,050 Iraqi dinars in tips. It sure pays to go that extra step and unplug toilets and offer cookies.

Edit: Eighteen US dollars and 20,050 Iraqi dinars.

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Lately my functionality and my flare have been harmoniously balancing. It's all very zen like. Usually I'm a little of one and none of the other, but these last few weeks I've been a kick ass function robot with hair ever growing longer and some bravery when it comes to eye liner.

I feel like i should throw a party.

And probably stop watching so much Angel-- it's like an addiction.

Out of pure curiosity, in an effort to learn anything that might further streamline my life, I was wondering, what things can you not live without? What are those little things that make life so much easier for you? For me, it's my carmex, purse calendar, camera and file box. Without those a little whirlwind portal opens up and sucks me in and I end up living out my life in a dark little world with chapped lips.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


What type of anti-virus program do you guys use?

I'm not really having any problems right now, but I need something and preferably, something free.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Come on, Mag. Give a good blow.

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Hope you have a wonderful, sweet, fun-filled birthday!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I love the internet. I just downloaded some new movies in languages I can’t understand, installed a free budging program that told me six different ways that I basically spend way too much money on food, and filled out a form to figure out when I’m going to die--a ripe old age of 76 by the way.

Saturday, June 3, 2006

If you want some yummy hot chocolate (don’t ask me why in summer), go to White Castle. Yeah… I don’t get it either, but it’s really, really good.

And tomorrow is my birthday. I plan on sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating, then eating and then sleeping. All in that order.

Now to some Firefly episodes and … as little as possible.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

"Your date of conception was on or about 12 September 1983 which was a Monday".


"As of 5/28/2006 10:56:11 AM EDT: You are 693,658,571 seconds old. Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 3.14207436399217 years old".

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

If you had a pet shop… one that is supposed to be bright and cheery and kiddy-friendly…. but sold little evil people eating sharks…. what would you call it?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

My succulent from Mars.

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Snagged from Pop

Your results:
You are Geordi LaForge

Geordi LaForge
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Mr. Scott
Will Riker
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Mr. Sulu
You work well with others and often
fix problems quickly. Your romantic
relationships are often bungled.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test

I'm 55% redshirt! That's too close for comfort!

Saturday, May 6, 2006

My man is the most absolutely wonderful thing ever.

An hour or so before I’m supposed to get off work today he comes in to surprise me with a dozen roses.

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(Excuse the shot, this was taken with my old camera that came before the old camera that came before the present camera).

I very much enjoyed showing off my flowers and my hunky man to all the other ladies at work.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Newest 3D project:

It’s a little environment for my little flower stapler. Complete with tape dispenser and rosebud pencils-- kinda hard to see in these pictures though.

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I’m such a girl.

Friday, April 28, 2006

This is how I want the world to embrace my obsession.

And I’ll take a dozen strawberry cupcakes that say “oh god oh god we’re all gonna die” too please.

Off subject- yesterday I went to sleep at 6pm and didn't wake up till about 11am this morning. And I still feel like I could use a nap.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Second 3D project

Second 3D project:

Merging of a manmade object and an organic object. It’s a flower stapler.

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Yah, a flower stapler. Yah.


From my very sweet and very sexy Sarah—I’m supposed to say six things about myself and then tag six other people, but the only one Sarah didn’t tag that I know is Aya.

1- I have always thought that slash was sexier than het.

2- I have some serious love for Asia and I don’t think it’s healthy because I’ve only been in Asia for one month and I don’t really know anything about anything but I’m still obsessed with anything Asian-- including my boyfriend and my fishies Hiro and Toshi.

3- My favorite smell is the smell of onions and butter simmering on the stove. Yum.

4- I’m doubled jointed in my thumb-- I can bend it all the way backwards till it rests flush against my arm. But I can only do it on my left hand.

5- I have two little round scars on the top of my right foot from when my doctor used a hellish tool to punch two holes of skin out of my foot for a test. It was horrible, I was six and they found out that nothing was wrong with me.

6- Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who is all okay with two dudes hooking up but still thought Brokeback Mountain was a piece of crap.

And here are some more picture from the beloved new camera.

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