Friday, June 10, 2005

I got accepted into the Ohio State University Arts Program today! They accepted my portfolio! Whoo hoo!

Also, I got a haircut this afternoon!

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Kayt with long hair and a silly smile of fear that says, “oh shit, you’re about to get a hair cut”.

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Kayt with short hair and a somewhat crossed eyed look that says, “oh shit, I just got my hair cut”… “and it’s shorted than I wanted”… “a lot shorter.”

And another After shot:
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No amusing caption because it’s almost 3am and I have work tomorrow. Let your imagination run wild.

Don’t think I really like this cut but I’ll give it a few days before going back in to my regular Charles Penzone and getting it prettied up.

And yes, I know, I need to stop taking pictures of myself while I drive. But I just get so bored.


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