Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Fun with bush murder.

1. Put on garden shoes.

2. Hack away.

3. Get tired and leave the nasty stumps still sticking up.

Then, if you’re lucky,

4. Find treasure.

(If you know what this thingy is, or you want to guess, please do, because I wanna know. So far I think it’s the top part of a lock on a treasure chest buried under the evil bush sometime before the Spanish Inquisition. There is all kinds of treasure the Spanish left behind in our house.)

And, the truck the drove in front of me on my way to school today read “Rush’s Fucking” instead of “Rush’s Trucking”.

Oh, another “and”….does it make me a bad person if I think Brittany Spears’ Toxic music video is kind of cool? I’m having guilt abut liking it.

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