Sunday, April 24, 2005


‘Tis Sunday- I am at work and I am bored. I must blog.

Today Vjay checked out of our hotel. He was a very short Indian man that was pretty rude to everyone but me. Before I even met him the rest of the staff at the hotel was warning me about the “Hindu Indian” upstairs. He wouldn’t deal with women and he’d have no respect for me. Whooo, hooo, be warned!

Well, that’s only partially true.

He was polite but terse when I dealt with him, but as soon as I started yabbering on about roti prata and school, he perked up. After he heard me say that I’ve been considering a teaching career he started treating me like he treats the guys. He has a great respect for teachers, as I later learned, and said that I “have a soft heart. Teachers need a soft heart.” Until he finally checked out of the hotel, he was still urging me to continue with a teaching degree.

Yesterday we stood around the desk and talked for a long time about the places he’s gonna visit in the US and the things he missed from India. He told me how he deals with flights back to India and I told him how I can’t deal with 2 hour long domestic ones. He went on and on about how he wished it had snowed earlier so he could have had the chance to enjoy it, and I whined and whined about how it was cold.

Later, when I was talking about Geoff, Vjay wished me much happiness with my “husband” ( Vjay was confusing the word “boyfriend” with “husband”) in the future. He clapped his hands and bowed and said that it was his blessing. (I only got the blessing part after I corrected him about my age—he thought I was 16 and getting married!)

I’ll miss Vjay; he was an amusing little man.

Also, my cats are fats and car antenna’s are weird. Just too things I noticed and felt the need to share.

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